Sunday, May 1, 2011

Off Topic Post: Osama Bin Laden is Dead!

This is a baseball oriented blog and I intend to keep it that way, but this is too big to let pass without comment:

Although the serving of Justice is a solemn occasion, I believe every American who witnessed the events of September 11, 2001, whether in person or on their television screens, can't help but feel an enormous sense of relief, closure, victory and justice at the death of the man who might have been the most hated enemy this country has ever had. Let us not allow this moment to pass without remembering the victims and heroes of that terrible event in our nation's history. Kudos to the President, his national security team and the military personnel who carried out this mission. They did a great job of tracking down this evil man, conducting a well planned, successful operation, and most of all kept the information from falling into the wrong hands until it was successfully completed.


  1. "Serving of Justice"? I guess I missed the part where a court of law gave him a fair trial, found him guilty and sentenced him to death.

    "Well planned, successful operation"? Either it was a planned assassination or a bungled arrest. No police force considers it to be a success when they have to shoot the person they mean to take into custody.

    Real democracies don't do extra-judicial executions. All that happened today is that America edged closer to being a banana republic and just maybe created a martyr.

  2. Well, I respectfully disagree with you. This was neither an assassination nor a law enforcement operation. There is overwhelming evidence that the man ran a military operation targeting U.S. citizens and military installations and was thus an enemy combatant. The U.S. military engaged him and his forces in a military operation. He and his forces resisted and were killed in the operation.

    The U.S has done a lot of things wrong since 9/11/2001, but this was not one of them.

  3. bin Laden's VORT was off the charts - replacing him in Al Qaeda's lineup will be very difficult.

  4. Osama is a DodgerMay 2, 2011 at 8:19 AM

    Anonymous is clearly the enemy, a Dodgers fan. You can rant on how he didn't get due process but neither did the thousands of dead American's his efforts created. I hope he got shot for just breathing loud. I would rather have that then him being sent to an Afghanistan prison where the guards look the other way why hundreds of people escape, an American prison where prisoners get better Health Care and Cable packages than most of us, or an American prison where corrupt security guards give him cell phones so he can plot to kill more innocent people. He deserved to die and I thought he got off easy. Personally, a guillotine in Times Square would have worked better. I sorry to report to you that you cannot be one of his 72 virgins he was to receive in hell.

  5. Anon2.

    Nice humorous metphor there, but I actually agree. I know we must continue to be vigilant, and remnants of Al Qaida may be able to launch small scale attacks here and there, but I believe their capacity for carrying out large scale attacks has been significantly degraded over the last 10 years of relentless U.S. pressure and losing Bin Laden degrades it by at least another order of magnitude.

    I agree with the analysts who are saying the War on Terror is all but over. Let's all hope this enables us to wrap things up in Afghanistan more quickly and get the heck out of there.

  6. Osama is a Dodger,

    I take some satisfaction is knowing that for an instant, Bin Laden had to know it was the Americans that had found him and he was going to die at their hands. Getting fed to the Sharks is a very fitting end for him, IMO.

  7. Oh yeah, and the World just seems like it's a better place than it was yesterday, doesn't it?
